In 1957, when a young mother asked for a nonexistent product, Columbus pharmacist Pearson Press told her he would try to
make it. He did, and it has led to a profitable business.
Press says the young mother, whose name he doesn't recall, had a child with an infected finger.
A physician had told her to soak the child's finger in an epsom salts solution. The mother, who had trouble keeping the child's finger in the solution, asked if epsom salts
was available in ointment form.
Press prepared such an ointment and the mother reported it worked just fine.
Press worked at refining the product for some years and tested it on folks with infections, pimples, boils and carbuncles with what he reports as outstanding results.
Then "satisfied as to its stability, and convinced of its acceptability," Press began having the product manufactured in Cleveland and marketed under the tradename of Epsal Ointment.